
LeriinPleasure Slave
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Video by Sven Wildhan released on Dec 17, 2008

Leri is back (she's only done one other update for FEMJOY, and that was a girl/girl photo set), but this time it's a video, and it is destined to go down in the record books as one of our sexiest. In a way, there's not much to's Leri nude (wearing only a fully opened shirt), dancing by a table. But what you get to see of this girl is about as much as you could ever wish.

Set to some stirring music, that gets the blood boiling adequately, Leri starts right in and the camera follows her all the way. Moving up and down her delicious white body, you get to see her opening up and sharing everything she has, only with you, only for your enjoyment.

Leri truly IS a pleasure slave. You can see it and feel it in this video. Are you ready to master her desire?

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